This morning I cried in the car while getting on to the George Washington Bridge. There was an ambulance pulled over near the toll booth and there was a man laying in the road. It wasn’t a car accident, but you couldn’t really tell what happened. He was moving, but not much. There was cars honking and people getting frustrated in the morning traffic and there I was crying and hoping that someone would be able to meet him at the hospital and help take care of him. I said a little prayer for that stranger this morning and we drove on.
It isn’t too often that I talk about sad things or really serious things on the blog, but they happen every day. I’m a pretty positive person and I tend to look for the good in everything, but sometimes, you just have to be sad for a minute and accept the reality of a situation.
Sadness is a private thing for me and I’m sure I’m not alone. That is why it’s important to remember that everyone has a story and you never know what’s going on behind the scenes. If you are having a positive day, help pass that on to someone else. Buy the coffee for the person behind you in line, smile at the person passing you on the street, hold the door for someone with their hands full. To someone else, that could help make their day a little brighter and it didn’t make yours any harder.
It is Random Acts of Kindness week. If you’ve never been on their fantastic website, click here. I get a daily dose of their ideas for a simple act of kindness via their Facebook page. It’s worth checking out.
I know the South is bracing for another storm tonight and I thought it was great that the website shared these heartwarming stories. Be one of the good people today – you never know who in your path might need a little extra sunshine.
Awwwww! Praying all is well for him.
I agree that you should never judge others because you don't know what they're going through.
I, like you, do not share my sadness often.
I always try to stay calm when I am in traffic for that exact reason…what if the traffic is being caused by someone who got into a terrible accident, and here I am bitching about how annoying the traffic is 🙁
Whenever their is a big traffic jam due to an accident I try and remain calm. And always hope that whatever the cause of the accident the people are okay. Because at the end of the day I am going to get home – the people who caused the traffic might now be. Always good to stay grateful!
That first paragraph is such a good reminder for so many people– including myself. I am the worst about traffic, and how many times when there is a traffic backup because of an accident do people get annoyed or frustrated instead of hoping everyone is okay.
It's amazing what even just a smile to someone on the street can do. I know when I'm having a bad day and someone just smiles or says hi, it can really cheer me up.
This is so well said! I pray for anyone once I see a wreck or even hear an ambulance. I also pray for dogs I see on the side of the road.
But you're right, any small act of kindness can really turn someone's day around!
that's horrible that people were honking and shit! i swear, some humans are just awful.
i do think that random acts of kindness should happen more often and it really does make someone's day!
-kathy | Vodka and Soda
I love this little reminder to be a little kinder. Random acts of kindness are the best! They should definitely happen more often.
Random acts of kindness are my favorite. We get so caught up in day to day life that we forget to remember how lucky we are.
Nothing like some Random Acts of Kindness to restore one's faith in humanity!
I love it when strangers smile at me. It toally makes my day! I try to smile at everyone I walk by! Love random acts of kindness!!!
So important to be a giver of random acts of kindness and to be a gracious recipient of them as well. It's a great unifier, the human condition. We're all caught with our pants down at some point and in need of kindness, which is why it's always right to give it to someone else.
Your post speaks so much truth. Sometimes we are all so much in a rush and act less then human at times. Sometimes a little kindness does go a long way.