I’m back from the motherland of Minnesota with an extra 5 lbs of fat and my sanity intact.  The craziness that usually comes with the holiday season has passed for us.  We celebrated a work holiday party, both family Christmas parties, 4 weeknight dinners with friends, one large friend get together, 2 brunches, 1 trip to the Minneapolis holiday market, 1 Chuck E Cheese date and a successful bridesmaid dress shopping trip.

Our next few weeks are just the two of us with the pups.  It will be quiet and peaceful, but better than last year because we got our family time in face to face.
When we arrived back home late Monday night, it felt so good to be home.  I missed certain little things about my routine that I had never really thought about before.  In Minnesota, we were jumping from guest room to guest room.  
I missed my Keurig that I can start in my underwear in my kitchen before I jump in the shower so I have a hot cup of my favorite coffee as soon as I’m ready.  I missed my closet where things can be hung up.  I missed being able to just throw dirty clothes right into the washing machine.  I missed my couch (although our friends, Brady & Kelsey, have the same one, so that was nice.)  I missed my early AM/late night reading & writing time.  I missed my treat cabinet that I can sneak into if I need a little snack.  I missed the juice place downstairs that can help me bounce back if I spend too much time in my treat cabinet.  I missed walking.
I could go on and on, but I have a point.  I realized how much I enjoy my daily routine.  Traveling is so much fun, but I finally feel the same amount of joy when I come home.  I’ve never been able to say that in the past.  Maybe it’s our current location or maybe it’s the awesome daily routine I have, but whatever it is – I like it.
There is so much laundry and work catch up to be done, so I’m off to have my second cup of my favorite coffee.  Happy Hump Day all.