I’m an optimist who is usually upbeat. I’m extremely grateful for so many things in my life. But some days are just super shitty. Yesterday was a day like that.

There are some behind the scenes things that I haven’t shared here and don’t know if I will, but they suck. I had a work project go live yesterday and everything went wrong.  I shut my computer off and I tried to fight the crabby with all the healthy options I could find.

I took out my yoga mat and about 5 minutes in, my dog threw up on the mat.  I took the dogs for a walk since it was beautiful out and the last poop bag had a hole in it, so I had to get creative. I made myself a super awesome dinner of yogurt and granola with strawberries. After eating it, found out the yogurt was expired and my stomach made my pay for that.

I gave up. I put on my pajamas, poured a glass of wine and pouted on the couch for the next few hours watching trashy television and eating cheese sticks.

Shit days happen to everyone. Sometimes the best medicine for a shitty day is nothing. Tomorrow is a new day and you can pick yourself up then.
