I’ve been a bit quiet the last week. I was going to write an entire post about the shitty week I had, but instead, I’ll tell you what made it better.


I started out the week with an infection in my tooth. Normally, that means a trip to the dentist, but mine was more complicated. Between wrong antibiotics, severe swelling in my face and having to track down a specialist. It was hell.

What made it better? 

My husband. He walked the dogs, he drove me to my appointments, he scoured Manhattan for a 24 hour pharmacy and let me lay on the couch sleeping and watching Bravo. I was down completely for 2 full days and it took a while to get back to close to normal. I’m not quite there yet, but I have a follow up this week and have to keep taking my antibiotics, but I can open my eye and feel my cheekbone again.

I lost 5 lbs. It wasn’t the healthiest way to do it, but when you can’t eat anything and you have no appetite, I guess it’s to be expected. I don’t hate the number that was on the scale.


There was the inauguration of our 45th president. There were tears all week watching Obama’s “lasts” and listening to the CSPAN coverage of the senate hearings on the cabinet. There was that speech on Friday morning. I read a lot that day on the internet from all kinds of sources. The rain was falling outside and it just felt sad.

What made it better?

Harry Potter. Since I wasn’t feeling that great yet, we started a Harry Potter marathon. I only made it through the first movie and part of the second, but I was already happier.

SATURDAY. I woke up feeling at least 80% normal and I knew we had to get to the march. The whole day was so amazing. The subway was filled with signs and families and friends ready to march. The sun was shining. The energy was like nothing I could describe. We met friends afterwards and talked it out. When I got home, the good energy just kept coming when I logged into social media and saw pictures from all over the country from friends that had marched and shared their support. Plus, I had the best conversation (via text) with my sissy about the day. I’m still sorting through my feelings and I’d like to write more about this in the future, but I couldn’t write about this weekend without at least mentioning it.


I think this is my payback for complaining about 2016. You can’t blame the day of the week or an unlucky number, you have to just deal with it. Point taken world. I’m glad this week is out of the way.  I’ve got some super exciting things to share on the blog soon. Chin up friends.