It was Valentine’s Day yesterday. I don’t really have any feelings about this day. I loved getting candy as a kid, but I could talk my parents into candy most days and when they would hold out, I would just go to the neighbor’s house for the candy bowl on their coffee table.

I love my husband to the moon and back, but we don’t really celebrate holidays. No birthday presents, only stockings at Christmas and we definitely don’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. Last night, it was pizza leftovers, Game of Thrones and a glass of wine.

All that said, I do love love. Seeing the flowers get delivered to the office today and the people posting the amazing things they made for their kids to take to school today – it’s all heart warming and wonderful. I’m currently listening to the 90’s love songs playlist on Spotify. So, I figured I’d use this holiday to make a list of some of the things I love right now.

My Love List

Very specific playlists on Spotify. It’s a job that I would like to have someday.

The woman that works at our local Caribou Coffee drive thru. Today she convinced me that I needed an extra shot of espresso in my free rewards drink. She always has my best interest at heart.

My new dentist. This is saying a lot because I have always hated the dentist.

Real life mail.

The first morning of vacation when the craziness of traveling is over and you still have the entire time ahead of you.

When our friends’ children or nieces/nephews say our names for the first time. Steph is not an easy one and each tiny human says it differently, but it makes me feel like I’ve achieved famous person status.

Snowy days when you don’t have to be anywhere. Made better with a stack of books waiting to be read.


The feeling you get when you cook/bake something that people love.

A clean inbox or desk. And not the kind where you just delete everything or put everything in a drawer. The kind that you actually accomplished by being super productive.

Color coding things. Bookshelves, pantries, folders, lists, calendars. I love organization.

Dive bars.

The closet in our house that is filled with comfy sweaters, sweats and pajamas. It may be bursting at the seams, but I can assure you that everything in it gets worn.

Tacos, pizza, cheese boards, cauliflower and anything with carrot juice.

Lyrics that I can completely relate to and fit into my life story somewhere. It makes me feel like I’m in the middle of a movie with a great soundtrack.

Dipping my toes in the water at the end of a dock – always a little scared that a fish is going to bite my toes, but happy that I’m somewhere that has a dock and a lake.

And the list could go on for a while…

I can’t even read this list without smiling because these are all things that I love so much.

Hope your week has been filled with love. Tell me something you are loving right now.